It's been almost a year and it feels like less than a month. We both have learned SOOO much, but we still have a long road ahead of us. As for me, I had to tame my wild side, I can't go out anymore (to clubs and parties I mean), I can't be lazy, HELLO!!, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc, and of course, there's the driving. Sharing a car means one of us (in this case me) has to do double the driving. Which would not be a problem if the 405 didn't resemble a parking lot each and every single day.
Not having ANYBODY besides ourselves is also an interesting challenge. Someone once told me "he's going to be the only one there to fight". I thought "yeah, I know that, so what?" Well, it turns out that when your mad, PMS-ing or simply wanting to fight because you ran out of mascara on your way to work and now your left lashes look longer than your right's, he IS the only one there. I'm pretty sure that his patience levels have doubled, Ok tripled since we moved in but that's good right?? [I love you honey]. He knows I appreciate him beyond words because I am not an easy companion.
Oh yeah, did I also mention that I had to learn to cook? Can you believe that, I was 20 yrs. old and could not fry an egg, literally! I had my mom on the phone for hours, each day for the first two months, but I learned how to cook (thanks mom), my boyfriend also taught me his specialty recipe (pasta), which I now cook better than he does, just don't say anything to him.
Anyways, what I want everybody out there to know is that it IS possible, it is not easy, it is not always fun, but it's possible and extremely rewarding. It is like the never-ending adventure that has now become your life. I will keep you posted on fun, interesting, and any other type of info on COMMITTED LIFE.

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