Monday, August 10, 2009

21 Things I'm loving in Glamour

Well, as I mentioned here, my favorite magazine is Glamour, and according to my readers, at least the ones who participated on the poll, they agreed; 70% of voters preferred Glamour. The other votes were equally divided in 10% for Cosmopolitan, Lucky, Allure, and Self. So to show my devotion [and also my lack of something to do around here] and to give my readers a sneak peek, if they haven't bought it or received it yet. Here are my favorite things for September's issue.

  1. Tiffany and Co.'s ad. It isn't new but I love those damn little keys!
  2. Calvin Klein jeans's ad. It has Eva Mendes on it, what's not to love?
  3. Coco Chanel's ad for Coco Mademoiselle. Keira Knightley looks ah-ma-ZING! Just completely flawless.
  4. Givenchy's new fragance ad. I think the name of it is Play. However, this is a must have for any men in your life, OK, maybe not your dad or your brother. It smells like sex waiting to happen. Buy it.
  5. "206 Ways to Dress Chic Now". Just looking at the pages was fascinating.
  6. "The Real Way to Romance a Guy". I actually rethought a couple of things.
  7. "Think You've Had a Bad Date?" I was literally laughing out loud!
  8. "Crazy but Genius Ways to Get a Job Now". This one's a must read.
  9. "Seven Right-Now Rules for Being Happier at Work". Goes hand-in-hand with #8.
  10. This month "Hey, it's ok!" Have I mentioned this is my favorite section? It is, I love it.
  11. "Life Do's and Don'ts From the Youngest Female Senator". WOW! She suddenly became my hero.
  12. "Life, Death and What You Owe a Friend:". This story had me crying for a while, and it makes me sad just to think of it.
  13. I'm not a huugee fan of Jessica Simpson, but her interview is worth reading. Oh, btw I love her shoes!
  14. "You Can Afford It!" This makes me want to get my shop on. No worries, I know I can't...for now.
  15. "Twilight Beauty". Forget Team Edward, or Team Jacob or whatevs. This ladies are the ones we should be teaming up with. I was joking about forgetting about Team Edward and Jacob. Jijiji.
  16. "Secret's of Happy Couples". Awwww. Note to self: memorize all of this.
  17. "How to Dress Like a Woman in Charge". Ok, the only thing I need to say is that Diane Kruger is the model for this. I love her, and she is fab on this.
  18. "Your Money!" [An Exclusive Glamour Guide]. Read this, learn it, and do it.
  19. The article "Sex With a Stranger", is both fascinating and scary at the same time.
  20. "How to do Anything Better Guide". This recipes OMG, they made me soooo hungry!
  21. "10 Little Things to Add to Your Life List". I love these little things.


  1. I adore Glamour magazine! It's definitely one of my favs...Love your 21 things list as well! :)

  2. supongo q hablas español cierto?
    encontre tu blog hoy por casualidad, lindas fotos
    te estoy siguindo ;)

  3. Thanks Antonia & Lisa!!!


    Ruth: Si, hablo espanol. Gracias, me alegra mucho que te hayan gustado las fotos.

  4. I love Glamour too, I am a big fan and you know how much I love JS! Ha. Loving the ads in this round considering I work in advertising...come on over and enter into my giveaway love! XO

  5. Ohh thanks! :) I love, love it! Especially 16, the picture is so cuteee. Heh, spot on Ambar, articles like that want to make girls memorize. :P

  6. Hey, OceanDreams, as soon as the mag arrived, all I could think about was you, and your recent post on JS. And you have a giveaway, that I have NOT entered yet?!?!?!?!?! GEEZ... I'm there, NOW. THANKS!!!

    Archana, jajaja thank you, I also find that picture to be adorable, although all of them were equally cute.

  7. GOD! I haven't had the chance to read Glamour in AGES! No wonder I feel like something is missing from my life ^^

  8. There's nothing like GLAMOUR Magazine! I have never stopped subscribing to it, luv it, luv it, luv it ! I also luv your list of 21 Things !!!

  9. Thanks!!!! I have also been subscribing forever!! I knew I had to do a list of faves things as soon as I finished with it. It was just that amazing! :D

  10. Glamour is racist!!! Hate to burst your bubbles, if you are not a minority celebrity or close to, you can forget about it! Trust me I know first hand. I was supposed to be in the this months issue "Crazy but Genius Ways to Get a Job"


Hi loveys, thank you so much for commenting on my blog. It always makes me happy! Kisses XO