Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love Harder

Yes, I know I'm late to the party but I still have to do this.

The quandry: We feel terrible. Just horrible. And oh so helpless... if only there was something we could DO for them.
The answer: Ummmm. Did you forget that WE ARE THE INTERNET?!?!!??! And also, Yes We Can!!!
The result: Brandy and your Hot Awesome Dude... this one's for you. Love, The Internet.

Our Plea

Brandy is a brilliant writer, a wonderful teacher, and a generous blogger. And she is in love with a man who has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

We are raising money for the Multiple Myeloma Research Fund in his name. For the price of a cinnamon dolce latte, half-caf, hold the whip, you can be part of an effort to cure a disease that affects approximately 750,000 people worldwide.

Every dollar brings us a dollar closer to a cure. And every donation brings a sliver of hope to a girl who needs all the hope she can get.

What You Can Do
  • Give. Be part of a worldwide effort to cure a disease that affects approximately 750,000 people worldwide. Every dollar helps.

  • Pass it on. Forward this story to five people. Share this blog post. Become our fan on Facebook.

  • Love harder. Life is short, love is unbending, and no one knows what could happen next. Tell someone you love them today.


As of today, these amazing bloggers have raised well over $2,000 for the cause.



  1. i saw this floating around the blogs...such an awesome cause!! thanks for posting it lady! :)

  2. this is so good, thank you for making me aware of it :)


Hi loveys, thank you so much for commenting on my blog. It always makes me happy! Kisses XO