Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Goal #16 - Finish All My Books

Again, me with my super, duper, long goals. The goal originally reads like this: Finish all the books I have at home, before buying a new one [If it's for school, it doesn't count]. Remember my goals, right? Well, I also started with this one. And to tell you the truth it was only because there are a few books that I want to read, which means I have to buy them, but can't thanks to this goal. So, to make things a lot easier, I made a list of the books I have at home.

They have a story. They're not mine, well, I'm not sure, maybe they are now. Anywhozers, the thing is that when I moved to LA I just brought what was extremely necessary [you know school stuff and most of my shoes], therefore all my books are back at home, in PUERTO RICO, thousands and thousands of friking miles away. So my dad [I LOVE this guy] sent me his books, like a few of them obviously so that I could get my read on, and not get bored. Which, I'm pretty sure was the case..

Dad: Hey honey, wassup?
Me: Nothing new, just here, bored.
Dad: Why don't you read?
Me: Maybe, cause all of my books are in my room, in the house where YOU are.
Dad: Oh yea, that's right.

So, instead of sending me MY books, he sent me his, which probably made sense since he knows I have read all of my books, and not his. LOL. Back to the list. Most of the books on the list are my dad's or/and my mom's from when they were in college, you know, only 30 years ago. And a few of the books I had bought a few months ago, but for some reason I haven't read them. Oh well here it goes [in no particular order].

  1. 11 Minutos (by Paulo Coelho)
  2. Cuentos de Eva Luna (by Isabel Allende)
  3. La Casa de los Espritus (by Isabel Allende)
  4. Mi Pais Inventado (by Isabel Allende)
  5. The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  6. Don Juan Tenorio (by Jose Zorrilla)
  7. Conversao' en el Batey (by Ernesto Juan Fonfrias)
  8. La Vida es Sueno (by Calderon de la Barca)
  9. La Malquerida y La Noche del Sabado (by Jacinto Benavente)
  10. La Prudencia en la Mujer y El Condenado por Desconfiado (by Tirso de Molina)
  11. El Burlador de Sevilla y Convidado de Piedra (by Tirso de Molina)
  12. La Llamarada (by Enrique Laguerre)
  13. Las Mil y Una Noche (anonymous)
I know most of them are in Spanish, but hey! I also have plenty more reading to do. Also, just so you know, my dad sent me the ones from #6-#13.

I already read #1, and I'm now working on #2. I LOOOOOOOOOVED 11 Minutos [11 Minutes], I definitely recommend it.


  1. La vida es sueño... uff!!

    "¿Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
    ¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
    una sombra, una ficción,
    y el mayor bien es pequeño;
    que toda la vida es sueño,
    y los sueños, sueños son."

  2. Wow, you are on a role girl, especially now that you are reading in Spanish too, so proud of you! XOXO!

  3. Mi País Inventado ------> GENIAL!!!!

  4. congrats!!!! go u for reading them in spanish!! i wish i could!

  5. YES!!!! also, Spanish is my 1st language just in case you didn't know.

    Love you guys!! Kisses XOXOXOXO


Hi loveys, thank you so much for commenting on my blog. It always makes me happy! Kisses XO